(If you can't see this message properly, please click on this link:

To move comments from page to page on your site, or to restore comments from the Comments Dashboard back to your site, please do the following:

1. Click on the Comments box and open the app's settings box. Click on Manage Comments to open the Comments Dashboard:

2. In the Comments Dashboard mark the comments you want to move and then click on "Move Selected Comments":

3.  A new window will pop up. Don't touch it, don't close it, IGNORE it:

4. Open a new tab/window in your browser and open your web site.

5. Go to the page where you want the comments to transfer to. You will see a new button inside inside the app:

Click on "Move 2 Comments Here" in the new comments box (seen in the picture above).

Congratulations! You finished transferring the selected Comments.

Repeat the process as much as you need until you finish transferring all the comments you need to where you want them to be.