Having genuine customer comments on your website helps you build your business reputation. It also provides fresh content for search engines to index, helping with SEO and keeping the site up to date.

Here are some tips that will help you get the most out of your comments app:

  1. Give your visitors a reason for writing a comment. For example, if writing a blog - ask a question at the end of the post, or ask for your reader's opinion on the subject.
  2. An active discussion is much more inviting than an empty comment box. When you publish a new blog post, or a new page with a Comment box - ask family, friends, or co-workers to leave a comment. This will help you cross the first comment barrier, and make it more inviting for future visitors to join the conversation.
  3. If you sell a product, or have a mailing list, get your customers engaged with the Comments app whenever you communicate with them. For example, you can add the following text in your Thank You email following a product purchase: "If you like our product, please share your experience on our Reviews Page", followed by a link to the reviews page on your site.
  4. Make sure the app wording matches the purpose of the page. If you put the app inside a Reviews page, change the "Leave a message..." text to read "Write your review..." or something similar. You can write to us and we will make the necessary adjustments for the application texts, free of charge.

Do you have any additional tips to share with us? 
Write to us at support@commentsplugin.com and let us know!